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How much texas attorney general child support division

How much texas attorney general child support division

The Attorney General Child Support Division (AGCSD) is a division within the office of the Attorney General that is responsible for enforcing child support orders and collecting payments on behalf of families. The AGCSD works with both parents to establish and enforce court-ordered child support obligations. The division provides a variety of services including locating non-custodial parents, establishing paternity, and helping to set up and enforce child support orders. The AGCSD also offers resources and support to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities regarding child support.

The Attorney General Child Support Division (AGCSD) is a division within the office of the Attorney General that is responsible for enforcing child support orders and collecting payments on behalf of families. The AGCSD works with both parents to establish and enforce court-ordered child support obligations. The division provides a variety of services including locating non-custodial parents, establishing paternity, and helping to set up and enforce child support orders. The AGCSD also offers resources and support to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities regarding child support.

Texas attorney general child support interactive non custodial parent

The Texas Attorney General Child Support Division (AGCSD) is a division within the Texas Attorney General's office responsible for providing child support services to families in Texas. The AGCSD works to establish and enforce court-ordered child support obligations, locate non-custodial parents, establish paternity, and provide resources and support to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities regarding child support. The AGCSD serves as a central point of contact for families seeking assistance with child support issues, and works closely with other state and local agencies to ensure that children receive the financial support they need from both parents.

Texas attorney general child support number

The toll-free customer service number for the Texas Attorney General Child Support Division is 1-800-252-8014. You can call this number to get information about your case, make a payment, or to ask questions about the child support process in Texas. The customer service center is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Standard Time. If you are calling from outside of Texas, you can reach the customer service center by dialing 512-460-6200.

Texas attorney general child support interactive

The toll-free customer service number for the Texas Attorney General Child Support Division is 1-800-252-8014. You can call this number to get information about your case, make a payment, or to ask questions about the child support process in Texas. The customer service center is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Standard Time. If you are calling from outside of Texas, you can reach the customer service center by dialing 512-460-6200.

The Texas Attorney General Child Support Division provides an interactive website for customers to access information about their child support case and make payments. The website, which can be found at, offers a secure and convenient way for customers to manage their child support case online. You can view payment history, case information, and print forms and documents, as well as make payments using a credit card or electronic check. You will need to create an account to use the interactive website and you will need your case number and your Social Security number to access your information.

How does Texas attorney general calculate child support?

In Texas, child support is calculated using a standard formula established by state law. The formula takes into account the net income of both parents and the number of children for whom support is being paid. The formula is designed to ensure that children receive a fair share of their parents' combined income.

The basic steps in calculating child support in Texas are:

  • Determine each parent's net monthly income. Net monthly income is calculated by subtracting certain allowable deductions from gross monthly income, such as taxes and Social Security.
  • Add the parents' net monthly incomes together.
  • Determine the percentage of the combined income that each parent is responsible for by using a chart provided by the Texas Attorney General Child Support Division.
  • Use the chart to determine the basic child support obligation based on the combined income and the number of children for whom support is being paid.
  • Allocate the basic child support obligation between the parents based on their relative income.

Note: The calculation of child support in Texas is complex and may involve other factors such as medical insurance and child care expenses. If you have any questions about how child support is calculated in your case, you can contact the Texas Attorney General Child Support Division's customer service center by calling 1-800-252-8014 for assistance. The customer service center is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Standard Time.